A program of the NH Troopers Foundation, Inc.

By Mail: P.O. Box 4234 Concord, NH 03302
Email: nhcadetacademy@gmail.com
Cadet Academy Staff
The Staff of the Cadet Academy is made up of carefully selected members of New Hampshire law enforcement from all aspects of the profession including city, municipal, county and state law enforcement agencies, and even a member from the United States Military Police Corps. Our MP was also the first staff member to have completed all three levels of the Academy as a youth and return as staff. The Command Staff has confidence in these officers knowing they will adhere to the high goals and standards to which the program strives. While many apply to be on Staff, few are selected. In order to be on Staff one must be an active, sworn member of a New Hampshire or Federal Law Enforcement agency. The exception to this rule is for the in-house nurse who is a certified School RN who is often assisted by a NH licensed EMT. The Commander is required to be employed in a full time position with their agency when appointed.
2023 Academy Staff
Front Row (L-R): Lt. Anne Gould- Rochester Police Department, Chief Peter Beede*-Moultonborough Police Department, Ofc. Jacqueline Pelletier- Goffstown Police Department,
Sgt. Annaliese Schmidt*-Newmarket Police Department, Lt. Dawn Shea-Pembroke Police Department, Capt. Jen Payne-Strafford County Sheriff's Office, PPO. Amanda Perry- NH Probation and Parole, Ofc. Joanna Phan-Londonderry Police Department, Janine Riley RN, TFC. Chris Ball*- NH State Police.
Back Row (L-R): Ofc. Samuel Frank-Grafton Police Department, Dep. Pete Chierichetti- Grafton County Sheriff's Office, Dep. Noah Tamulonis*-Penobscott, Maine Sheriff's Office, Ofc. Scott Pihl-Pembroke Police Department, Det. Kyle Danie*- Rochester Police Department, Sgt. Shawn Seymour*-Newport Police Department, Dep. Joshua Toms-Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Lt (Ret) Pierre Pouliot*- Goffstown Police Department, Det. Sgt. Justin D. Rowe*- NH State Police.
Missing from photo: Ofc. Joshua Fisher*-Newbury Police Department, Ofc. Jill Bonan*-Plymouth Police Department
*- attended the program as a youth